Photo by Yehonatan Veltzer/TPS on 14 July, 2020
Demonstration in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem
Thousands take part in a demonstration in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official resident at Balfour Street in Jerusalem, calling him to resign over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and in face of his indictment for corruption. 50 protesters were arrested following clashes with police. Jerusalem, July 14, 2020. Photo by Yehonatan Veltzer/TPS
Photo Details
- 1024 x 683
- 80.20 KB
- Yehonatan Veltzer/TPS
- July 14, 2020
Tagged In
balfour street, Demonstration, DemonstrationIn FrontOfPrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahusResidenceInJerusalem200714, Flags, Jerusalem, Protest, Signs