Articles in "chief rabbi David Lau"

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate in Limbo as Leadership Term Extension Expires

Paralysis in Israel's Chief Rabbinate deepened as legislation temporarily extending the term of its Chief Rabbinic Council expired on ...

Israeli Chief Rabbi Inaugurates Latin American Rabbinical Conference

Israel's chief rabbi was in Bueno Aires on Wednesday to inaugurate the Latin American Rabbinical Conference. The founding Torah scroll ...

Israel’s Chief Rabbi to Ukraine Jews: We Stand With You

Israel's Chief Rabbi David Lau spoke on Thursday with Rabbi Moshe Asman and Rabbi Yaakov Bleich of Ukraine after Russia invaded the ...

Israeli Chief Rabbi: Israel Has ‘Moral Obligation’ to Help Kurds

President Reuven Rivlin on Tuesday visited the Sukkah of Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau in Modi’in as part of the tradition of ...

Israeli Religious Leaders Announce End to Violent Protests

The Chief Rabbis of Israel met on Thursday with the religious leaders of the Israeli-Ethiopian community after which they issued a call to ...

Chief Rabbi Had ‘No Knowledge’ of ‘Blacklist’ of 160 Diaspora Rabbis

A spokesman for Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau said Monday that the chief rabbi was “stunned” at the existence of a blacklist of 160 ...