Photo by Yehonatan Veltzer/TPS on 1 August, 2020
Protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Police barricades in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official residence in Jerusalem, during a protest of thousands who wave flags, hold posters and call for Netanyahu's resignation over the government’s economic policies amid coronavirus crisis and his corruption trial. Jerusalem, Aug 1, 2020. Photo by Yehonatan Veltzer/TPS
Photo Details
- 1024 x 683
- 108.12 KB
- Yehonatan Veltzer/TPS
- August 01, 2020
Tagged In
balfour street, barricades, black flags, Border Guard, Demonstration, Flags, Jerusalem, Policemen, posters, Protest, ProtestAgainstPrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu200801, Signs